Monday, November 11, 2013

John Singer Sargent Inspiration

Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt, John Singer Sargent
                     Oil on canvas, 1903

 John Singer Sargent was an American artist and one of the last great Realist painters. Known for his portrait paintings, he painted portraits of influential people like Theodore Roosevelt. John Singer Sargent is one of my favorite artists, he is able to mix realism and impressionism painting techniques in his work. John Singer Sargent is able to convey the person's personality in his paintings. John Singer Sargent's influences are Diego Velazquez and Frans Hal.

Diego Velasquez is a Spanish artist during the 17th century. Diego Velasquez was a Realist artist. Velasquez depicted his clients in honestly, even painting their flaws. Velasquez applied paint directly on the canvas giving a loose brush stroke to his work1. John Singer Sargent studied Velasquez's technique and incorporated Velasquez's technique to his own paintings. Shown in Velasquez's oil portrait painting A Spanish Gentleman and John Singer Sargent's oil portrait painting Frank O'Meara the viewer sees similar brush stroke techniques.

The other artist who heavily influenced John Singer Sargent was Frans Hal. Frans Hal had a spontaneous and loose brush strokes. Hal captured the effect and feeling instead of the details 2. John Singer Sargent used Frans Hal's techniques in his watercolour.

 John Singer Sargent was heavily influenced by Diego Velasquez and Frans Hal. Diego Velasquez and Frans Hal were both baroque artists, but influenced Realists and Impressionists artists with their loose brush strokes. 


        Frank O'Meara, John Singer Sargent
                     Oil on canvas, 1876

        A Spanish Gentleman, Diego Velasquez
                        Oil on canvas, 1634

      The Tramp, John Singer Sargent
                 Watercolour, 1904
                     Verdonck, Frans Hal 
                       Oil on panel, 1627

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